61. Dainty parasols
Shelter fairies from the sun.
Lovely Queen Anne's lace.
62. Brightly colored leaves
Clinging fast to autum trees.
Must bow to Winter.
63. To look at beatuy
Set your heart in tune with God,
And face the sunrise.
64. Let me see beauty
Harbored in commonplace things.
Dewdrops on pine trees.
65. Let me hear beauty
Held in the song of a lark.
Rain on the window.
66. Let me feel beauty
Love's tender touch, and a smile
Soft velvet ribbons.
67. Let me give beauty
Comfort, encouragement, hope.
Light in dark moments.
68. Let me know beauty
Moving in all that surrounds.
To love, and be loved.
69. A song is a jewel
Set in a circle of gold.
To have and to hold.
70. For each tear, a smile
For each harsh work, a kind one.
For each moment, love.
71. Each life has its trails.
Each trial its compensation.
Love, its own reward.