Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cloud of Dogwood

A cloud of dogwood
Hangs suspended from the sky
And Spring rolls down the hillside
Lo paint the valley

The Seasoning

Summer's gone,
Autumn's here,
Rush, Rush, Rush.
Winter waits,
Nights grow cold,
Snow, Snow, Snow.

Spring creeps in,
Summer sings,
Rush, Rush, Rush.
Dream a bit,
Love a lot,
Live, Live, Live.

Seasons come,
Years move on,
Rush, Rush, Rush.
Joys and cares,
Hopes and fears,
Live, Laugh, Love.

Final Thoughts...

103.  Speak softly to me
         Lest I waken from my dream
         To see him leaving.

104.  It was yesterday
         We walked along together
         Arm in arm in love.

105.  Yesterday is gone.
         A thousand years of loving
         Live in memory.

A Limerick for Minnie

A wond'rous wiggly wormie
What earthly good can he be?
He walks with ease
Amongst the leaves
And ends inside a birdie.

A Scene Seen

Ten white geese
Marching single file
Up a lone green gill
To a bright blue sky.

There is so much to see,-
So many songs unsung,-
And roads that beckon me
To cross the plains,
And climb the hills.

There are so many hearts
That cry in loneliness,
And beg for me to come
With gentle arms,
And words of love.

There is so much to do-
So many chores undone.
Please, God, send willing hands
To carry on
When I am gone


Oh, color me red,
And yellow, and green.  Let me
Sing with the birds in the trees,
I'll dance with the wind,
And laugh with the clouds,
And cover the earth with leaves.


       Its's Autumn!
All the colors of summer
Meet for a grand reunion
And buzzards ride with the wind
Just for the joy of rding.

       It's Autumn!
All the mem'ries of summer
Pass in review, and the wind
Wooshes over the airways
To sweep a path for winter.