Mary had no doctor
When her time was come.
No sterile couch, no well-trained hands,
No layette waiting by.
No medication soothed her nerves
Nor eased her labor pangs.
She had no mid-wife, calm and sure
That night in Bethlehem.
But Joseph was there beside her
In the stable, - they and God.
And His love wrapped all around them
Like a mantle from above.
No earthly riches offered He
No palace shining bright
No servants at their beck and call
No feast, no merriment.
It was in a lowly stable,
On a cloak spread on the floor
That Mary bore the Holy babe
And made his bed of straw.
The angels sang with joy and praise
For the wond'rous miracle
And Mary, and Joseph, in love became
A family for God's Son.